Interested Artists

Interested in selling your work at the Art Mart?

  • Please *email* us (no DMs please) and include...
  • Photos/examples of your work
  • Social media/ website links
  • Retail price points

We appreciate your interest in the shop and will get back to you as soon as we can. Please be patient if you don't hear back from us right away!

Possible reasons we may not carry your work:

  1. We are simply full up on space at the moment- literally no physical room
  2. We have similar types of products in the store already
  3. The retail price point for your item is too high (we like to keep things as accessible as possible)
  4. Your work may be more suitable for a gallery setting, as opposed to a retail store
  5. Your work is sexist, racist, transphobic, xenophobic, homophobic, etc. (But honestly, if that's the case, how did you even get here?)